Minecraft – MC 1.9: Chunk Loader for Redstone Circuits


I have developed an automatic train system using minecarts and redstone circuits to let the minecarts travel between stations. It worked so far for lines in the near environment. But I noticed that it fails for longer distances, because the chunks are not loaded – therefore the minecart will stop and never come back, until the chunks were loaded by a passing player.

Train System Sketch

I am using a 1.9 Vanilla server, and I have full access to the server.

The Chunks don't need to be loaded when no player is on the server. But if there are players, the chunks containing the stations and the line should always be loaded when players are online.

How can I achieve this?

I am willing to install server mods, if necessary, but I only found a mod for MC 1.7. For some tutorials, I am confused about "Lazy Load chunks" and "entity chunks", and I do not know which type I need for my scenario. I also read that it might be possible using command block chains, but I do not know exactly how this works (and if it actually works for this scenario).

I do not understand why you think it is a duplicate. Once again, if the end station is set to a spawn point, then the whole track in the middle (the powered rail) won't work. So the linked question doesn't fit the problem situation.

Best Answer

What you could do is put them in your Spawn Chunks. Spawn Chunks are a 16×16 area of land that is stored in the memory therefore never unloads the Chunks.

Here redstone and commands should work as long as there is a player in the overworld. Meaning that they won't work if what you have is In the Neather or the End and no player is in the overworld.

No mods are needed for this to work and there are tutorials on how to find your Spawn Chunks.

You can also increase your spawn chunks using the hopper chunk loader:

You can find the edges of each chunk by hitting F3enter image description here

If you look under Block you will see Chunk. The first number after the in will tell you what chunk your in. Play with the other two to find the edge.

Edit: This video explains tbe last video as well as introduces a new concept that may work better.