Minecraft – minimum amount of resources per seed


I'm playing Minecraft on the Xbox, and I realized I almost have all the achievements, so I'm looking to complete the ones I still have left to do.

One of which is the baking a cake achievement. I have the three buckets of milk, and more than enough wheat, and an egg. The problem is the sugar. I have found sugar cane, and made it into paper to create another map (I lost the first one). However, after searching half the world, that was the only sugar cane group I have ever found.

Is there a minimum amount of each resource spawned per seed?
I know the map is random, but are there always at least x diamond ore, y gold ore, z pumpkins, etc.?

Is there more sugar cane to be found on the half of the map I have not yet explored? Or am I most likely wasting my time?

PS- most of my map (so far) is a snow biome, with some forest(?) biome around it

Best Answer

There is no minimum resource level per map. The entire map is generated procedurally with no consideration for previously generated pieces.

If you are looking for sugar cane, your best bet is to find a large body of water and walk around the edge, as it will only grow adjacent to water.