Minecraft – Multiplayer servers not working since 1.7.2


My daughter had about 50 single player worlds on XP and now has a Windows 8 laptop. It wasn't until I read how to access her 'saves' with your simple instructions, I was able to transfer all her worlds to the Window 8.

The only problem now is none of her multi-player server addresses work since the 1.7.2. update. Is there a way to fix this or, failing that, a list of servers which will work in the new version?

Best Answer

The servers stopped working because you updated to the new version and they haven't. Both the server and the player need to be using the same version of Minecraft. There are two ways to fix this.

The first is to wait. Most well run servers will update as quickly as possible, though certain heavily modded servers may have to wait for the mods to update.

The second option is to run the older version of Minecraft. To do this, start the Minecraft launcher then click on New Profile in the bottom left. Change the use Version option from use latest version to use 1.6.4. You won't have the latest update but you'll be able to access multiplayer servers that haven't updated.