Minecraft – No slime spawning in slime chunk 2018 1.12.1


I found a slime chunk right inside my straight mine so I dug out a 16x16x3 chunk at level 19 and coordinates 71 19 -120. I have lit up the room light levels are above 10 everywhere and there are no other mobs spawning inside.

I have been waiting for about an hour afk with the game active at around 32 blocks away (coordinates are 90 11 -125) in order to get some slimes to spawn but still not even one.

  • Confirmed slime chunk with – http://chunkbase.com/apps/slime-finder#-1729309068124591226

  • The height level is below 40

  • Several nights have passed

  • Player position is around 32 blocks away from the center of the slime chunk (coordinates of center 7 19 7)

  • Playing on 1.12.1 without any mods
  • There isn't a huge stack of monsters around the slime chunk (there is a ravine right above it but its lit up)
  • I searched for questions like this but they were mostly either related to a different problem that I have already solved or from 2+ years ago.

What could be causing this issue?

Best Answer

The coordinates you give are only about 21 blocks apart. Assuming that you have given the center of your farm (71,19,-120) and the location you are standing (90,11,-1225) you may not be far enough away.