Minecraft – Not able to get XP on LAN game


I have been playing on a LAN with my brother lately and it all worked fine for a while then I couldn't collect XP any more. By that I mean I can pick up the XP orbs and they make a sound and that's it, my XP bar does not go up.

  1. We are both on 1.7.5 with Optifine
  2. It worked for a while
  3. We are playing on offline mode
  4. We do have different accounts (Bought)
  5. My brother's hosting and his XP works
  6. Even using /xp doesn't work (E.g /xp 15L not working)
  7. I have tried going on default resource pack, it's not the resource pack
  8. Nothing works (E.g /xp, Killing Mobs, Mining.)
  9. Problems that may be related: I can't open a chest after a while, Can't use item frames after a while, Can't see named mobs after a while, Can't use dogs after a while (This all happens after about 10 minutes of gameplay but not with XP)

Best Answer

there are 3 things that cause this, the client, server or you.

Server: try restarting the server, synch problem!

Client: same, restart!

You: you're in such an high XP level, it looks like youre not gaining anything, but you do