Minecraft – Not Enough Items doesn’t have an options button


Since I have installed quite a few of mods I decided to also install Not Enough Items so that I wouldn't have to look at the wiki of every mod when I want to craft something.

But my NEI doesn't show an options button when I press E. I only want to play on Survival mode, so all I need is recipe mode but it's locked on cheat mode. How can I fix this?

Best Answer

The Problem

You are in a scenario where you set the mode on other mode that cheat mode but you can't change it.


Try to click the button on the bottom left. If you click it, it will change the mode into the world mode. Now just go to the option to change cheat mode and recipe mode. You'll notice a W button in front of the mode selection. Now, click it so it disappears. There you go! Recipe mode!

What is World Mode?

To simply explains it, NEI can save your own setting in each world. Lots of people are getting this trouble too. So I suggest you to check that.