Minecraft – ny way to find out the type of block without breaking it


Is there any way to get the type of a block (in textual form) without breaking it first when playing Minecraft on the Wii U?

First I was expecting that information to show up while holding the crosshair over a block.

Then, I was expecting that there'd be some key I could press while having the crosshairs over a block to get that information but there doesn't seem to be any key that does that.

Finally, I thought there may be some tool I could craft that would do that but haven't been able to find an answer to that, either.

I've looked at the help and searched online but have been unable to find an answer.

Best Answer

  1. In creative mode you can use the Pick Block keybind (middle mouse button) to put the block in your hand
  2. The debug (F3) menu displays which block you're looking at

Note that method 1 will work in survival if you have the block in your inventory