Minecraft – One time use Elytra in minecraft


I'm making a survival server for me and friends with some additions. In the world, you spawn on a floating island in a normal world. On the island you have to automatically get an elytra that is stuck to the chest and can't be taken off. When trying to take the elytra off, the elytra has to disappear. Beneath the floating island will be a little island in a lake that will have a button the player will need to press to get teleported to the top of the island. When that button is pressed, the elytra should also be put onto the player.

Now to the elytras attributes.

You can only use the elytra once. Meaning that after you activate it(fly), it will disappear as soon as you land (deactivate it).

Is this possible to make?

The code I already got looks like this:

/give @p minecraft:elytra{CustomModelData:0,display:{Name:'[{"text":"OneTimeUse Elytra","italic":true,"color":"light_purple","bold":true}]',Lore:['[{"text":"This magical elytra can only be used once. After you land, it will disappear.","color":"aqua"}]']},Enchantments:[{}]} 1

I would love to know if this is possible just by using vanilla or if not what I have to do to make it possible.

I'm playing in Minecraft version 1.16.4/vanilla


Best Answer

I do not believe what you have asked specifically is possible, but you can set up a system to clear the elytra of any players within a certain distance. Let’s say 0, 10, 0 is our landing zone:

/clear @a[x=0,y=10,z=0,distance=..4] elytra

Then place that command block anywhere where it will be loaded in.