Minecraft – Realistic Vanilla TNT Run


I'm building self regenerating mini games for Minecraft and I had an idea for tnt run. Originally I just had pressure plates activating TNT, but I had an idea that would make it look like the Spleef on cube craft. I started off by making a repeating command block (always active) with the following command:

execute @a ~ ~ ~ /testforblock ~ ~-1 ~ stone 

I hooked this up to a chain command block (conditional, always active)

/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /setblock  ~ ~-1 air

However, I found that it removed the block too quickly, so I put a comparator in the middle, but the same thing happened except the blocks were deleted slower yet still directly beneath the Player. I tried hooking it up to a clock and replacing the test for block command block every time it found stone, but I don't know the block NBT data for always active. All that I can think of other than hooking up different kind of clocks.

Best Answer

type this into chat:

/scoreboard objectives add time50 dummy

Then put the following into unconditional command blocks:

/scoreboard players add @a time50 1

execute @a[score_time50_min=5] ~ ~ ~ testforblock ~ ~-1 ~ stone 

This one goes in a conditional command block:

execute @a[score_time50_min=5] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~-1 ~ air

This one in an unconditional:

/scoreboard players reset @a[score_time50_min=5] time50