Minecraft – Redstone torch on a block doesn’t switch on the block that it is on


Ok, here's another one.

As represented in the visual, I have a redstone torch attached to a block, that is, a redstone lamp. But as represented in the visual, by my extraordinary drawing, the redstone torch actually exist in the block which's borders shown by red. Since my redstone lamp is next to this block which is represented by red borders, it must be switched on and hence light up. But it does not. Why?

Thanks in advance with most appreciation.

P.S.: We know that the block shown by red borders is powered because of the second visual.enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

A Redstone Torch only powers all other blocks, except the block it's on.
(As long it is placed on a block, and the torch is sideways.) enter image description here

There is no way to light the lamp with the torch in that position, due to the torches properties: enter image description here

It will merely loop, then burn out.

Source: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Redstone_Torch and presonal experince.