Minecraft refuses to use more than 1G of RAM, even via Command Prompt


I created a program in the past using VB.net that launched Minecraft using the following parameters:

javaw.exe -Xmx2G -jar "C:\Users\DarkWolffe\Documents\Games\Minecraft\Minecraft.exe"

It was working for a long time, until just recently when a friend who also uses it noticed that his client was no longer launching with the desired amount of memory, and was instead defaulting back to having just under 1GB.

I use shaders, so memory is something I find myself having a lot of lust for. I've tried using the command-line parameters in this thread with no luck, I've tried an argument for garbage collection, nothing has worked.

I'm running Windows 8.1 Pro x64 with both 32- and 64-bit versions of Java installed for browsers and Minecraft, respectively.

Best Answer

That command actually starts the Launcher with 2G. To set the memory for the game itself, Click on 'Edit Profile' in the launcher:

edit profile

Then check 'JVM Arguments' and enter the memory parameter there:

jvm arguments