Minecraft: Remove a mobs gravity


I need help removing the gravity of a mob. I am creating a puzzle where you teleport a chicken 1 block left/right/forward/backwards and I need to find a way for the chicken to jump.

I used a command to change the direction of the chicken to up but it dies when it touches the block on top of it.


/entitydata @e[score_gravity_min=1] {Motion:[0.0,1.0,0.0]}

My chicken Henry

My commands (Purple=Allways active, Brown=Needs redstone)


Best Answer

As of 1.9, NoAI no longer prevents gravity.

But as of 1.10, NoGravity has been extended to all entities. You can use this to prevent mobs from falling due to gravity:

/summon Chicken ~ ~1 ~ {NoGravity:1b}