Minecraft – rotate a WorldEdit selection horizontally


I have a selection in WorldEdit (Bukkit Plugin) that I would like to rotate horizontally (i.e. not around in circles). I can use //rotate x to specify the angle to rotate, and using //rotate 180 would produce the effect as shown below, but I'd like to get the end result, to rotate it around a different axis (probably the y or x instead of z).

Is this possible within WorldEdit?

enter image description here

Best Answer

At the moment, Rotate command only rotates around Y axis(Or as you said, Z, depending where you draw them).

However, in here: http://redmine.sk89q.com/issues/633

It is suggested to use either

//deform rotate(axis1, axis2, degrees)


  1. Select a cube containing your blocks. (height, width, depth on //size should be the same)
  2. //deform swap(x,y)
