Minecraft – Scoreboard Death caused by Players Setup


My friends and I are setting up a lucky block skywars game, but it is really common to die from a lucky block, so how do I set up a death counter that would only count deaths caused by players?

I can easily change to any version so i just need a way to do this, i chose the older versions because they don't have the new PvP system as Quijibo said, and i chose 1.7.10 specifically because there are more kinds of lucky blocks atleast i think so

sorry for the inconvenience this is my first time making one of these posts

Best Answer

This nostalgic contraption was hard to make, is not very pretty, but works.

First of all, create 3 scoreboard objectives: a death count, a player kill count and a dummy objective. Let's call them ActualDeaths, PlayerKills and Deaths:

/scoreboard objectives add AcutalDeaths stat.deaths

/scoreboard objectives add PlayerKills stat.playerKills

/scoreboard objectives add Deaths dummy

Now, onto the command blocks:

Command Blocks.

I will be referring to the command blocks on the screenshot according to the colorful blocks I assigned to them, so for example, the one on the far right is the "blue" command block (and the two command blocks on the left-most are GREEN and PURPLE, not lime and magenta).

Anyways, let's get to the commands:

The blue command block is powered by a redstone clock, and simply tests if anyone has killed a player:

/testfor @a[score_PlayerKills_min=1]

The yellow command block is powered by the same redstone clock as the blue one, and tests if anyone has died:

/testfor @a[score_ActualDeaths_min=1]

The purple command block resets the ActualDeaths scores, so that the comparators leading from the yellow command block are reset:

/scoreboard players set @a ActualDeaths 0

The red and green command blocks run their commands only if both the blue and yellow command blocks have passed their /testfor commands at once (that's why the piston is there). Here's what they do:

The red command block adds 1 Deaths scoreboard point to every player that has a score of ActualDeaths at least 1 (in other words, it gives the point to anyone that has died in the last few gametics):

/scoreboard players add @a[score_ActualDeaths_min=1] Deaths 1

The green command block resets the PlayerKills scoreboard, so that the blue command block's comparator is reset:

/scoreboard players set @a PlayerKills 0

That's it! Be aware that it may not be perfect and it might fail counting in all deaths in cases like two players dying in the same tick, since the only way I was testing this was by shooting myself to death by arrows.