Minecraft Server Admin: Regions vs Logging


I've run a little minecraft server for my friends for almost a year. I've started experiencing griefing and installed bukkit and the plugin CoreProtect, which logs block place/breakage.

It's great. However, the cost is increased CPU usage, which severely limits the amount of players. I'm running on Dual core @ 2.4 Ghz and 2 gig ram with ubuntu server installed. I run out of CPU on 8 players now.

What is more CPU intensive: Regions protection or block logging? Will storing logs in Flat Files or MySQL be more intensive on ram and CPU? Is their any difficulties with using regions such as user learning curve? Is there a more lightweight plugin to log block placing/breakage than CoreProtect?

Thanks to anyone who can provide any info.

Best Answer

CoreProtect is multi-threaded. Bukkit isn't. You have a dual core processor.

What this means is that although Bukkit will be restricted to a single core, CoreProtect can do all file logging on the second core.

This means that server performance will not be impacted at all when using CoreProtect.

-Intelli / CoreProtect Dev