Minecraft – Setting up an indirect server for Minecraft


So, I have a bit of a dilemma. I've been attempting to run a Minecraft server from home that I can access from the college through a VPN (Hamachi) in order to avoid port forwarding problems which have all slapped me in the face for days.

At the college, I realized how I can't install any sort of program directly into the computers there. Moreover, even if I could access the C: drive, roaming profiles are active there and so it would need to be repeated each time I got onto a different computer (let alone any of my friends).

So far, I have no idea what to do. I have a VPN set up on Hamachi that I've tested on other computers with Hamachi already installed. That works fine, but I can't install the Hamachi client onto the college computers because it requires access to the system32 drivers folder, which I don't have.

I need a simple, relatively small program that is a self-contained .exe or something similar that can just be dropped onto a desktop and told a few things to do in order to connect to the server. No drivers or anything installed in program files. I can place things into the AppData folder, if that's of any help.

Any assistance would be appreciated. I'm open to anything that can work at this point.

Best Answer

I think that the best bet would be to figure out your port forwarding issue by asking about it on Superuser.com. Then set up the server at your house and just run MineCraft from school.

Almost all VPN clients need to create a virtual adapter to create the tunnel. This will require you to have Admin rights on the machine that you want to install the client on. Based on what you have said that is not possible.

Do you have access to the router where you live to try and properly configure the port forwarding? Also are you setting up a standard MineCraft server or using something like Bukkit?