minecraft-java-edition,mods,minecraft-feed-the-beast,minecraft-mods – Skyfactory: Why Are No Mobs Spawning?


I made a simple mob farm on skyfactory 3 and when I went to check the avaiable mob spawning areas using the F7 key these red crosses came up This means mobs should be able to spawn but they don't. I'm often AFK over 24 blocks away from my farm but still no spawns.
Red crosses

Why is my mob farm not working? Anyone knows better mob farm designs for a starting player for skyfactory that maybe do work?

Best Answer

Is that half block under those red crosses? If so, half block does not work for spawning. Quick search only, try this link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/archive/alpha/alpha-survival-single-player/820173-mob-spawning-science?page=1

If that is a full block, follow the answer from @TrueDakkon and add a space above and beside the red crosses. (Sample: Move the top part at least 1 block then add another block on the side of those crosses. You will now have 3 wide 3 height. Try it from there)

P.S. I don't have setup now and I cannot verify my answer. I will try to verify as soon as I got my hands on a Skyfactory setup.