Minecraft – SMP Vanilla Chunk Loaders


Recently I learned about SimplySarc's vanilla (Non-command block) chunk loader. However, I realized that his video was not so recent and he was using it for SSP. I want to know, does SimplySarc's vanilla chunk loader still work, and if so, does it work for both SSP and SMP? Will it also work in the 1.8 snapshots?

For those of you who don't know of SimplySarc's chunk loader, here is his video.

He uses single hoppers pointing into air right across the chunk border, spreading out recursively from the spawn chunks. The chunks are able to process entities if there's a border of at least 2 chunks around them loaded.

@Mr Lemon: I like your explanation of Sarc's video, but my question was WILL it work in SMP and WILL it work in 1.8 snapshots? Sarc's video was in sept 5, which is around the time of 1.6.2. Game mechanics can change throughout updates, which is why I'm asking whether this will work in 1.8 snapshots or not.

Best Answer

Yes, it will work. There hasn't been a difference between "SSP" and "SMP" since the client and server were merged back in August 2012 with version 1.3.1. There is no longer any difference between playing single-player and playing on a server, as far as game mechanics are concerned.