Minecraft – spawn baby rabbits


Is it possible to spawn baby rabbits? I'm tired of having to breed grown rabbits to get a baby rabbit/bunny.

Best Answer

All mobs that can be bred have a data tag called 'Age'.

Represents the age of the mob in ticks; when negative, the mob is a baby. When 0 or above, the mob is an adult. When above 0, represents the number of ticks before this mob can breed again.

From article on Minecraft Wiki

The same article gives you a straight example of what you want:

/summon Rabbit ~ ~ ~ {Age:-20}

This will summon a baby Rabbit that will grow up in 1 second, as Age tag is in ticks, and game tick is 1/20 of a second. Naturally bred rabbits are spawned with Age:-24000, representing 20 minutes of childhood.