Minecraft – summoned falling_block banner is invisible


I'm trying to summon a dynamic block that looks like a banner. This:

/summon falling_block ~ ~ ~ {Block:standing_banner,Time:1,NoGravity:1}

summons a falling block alright, but it's invisible. I can tell it's there by the shadow, but it doesn't drop an item when it despawns (which is weird, considering that I haven't touched the DropItem tag.) Using Block:wall_banner does exactly the same thing, and using an invalid block id fails to summon anything. If I omit the NoGravity tag, the entity is still invisible until it hits the ground and becomes a block.

This command:

/summon falling_block ~ ~ ~ {Block:hopper,Time:1,NoGravity:1}

summons a perfectly visible falling block that looks like a hopper and drops as an item when it despawns. They're both data holder blocks, so I have to think it's something specific to banners that makes this happen. Anyone have any thoughts as to what that might be, or how to get around it?

Best Answer

This is not possible, see MC-64634. Via Grum's comment, explaining that this will not work for various blocks:

Using it for anything other than the original block might make it not work.

It doesn't work for the ones without blockmodels.

Since banners do not have a block model, it cannot be rendered with the falling_block entity. Hoppers, on the other hand, do have a block model, and so will render properly.