Minecraft – Testfor block with custom name


I'm making "magic blocks": if you are standing on a specific block you get a potion effect like speed, instant health, strength, etc. The only problem is while trying to make it survival friendly I want the player to have to rename a diamond block to the certain name to make the potion effects work. /execute @a ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:diamond_block 0 /effect @a minecraft:strength 5 30

So that's what I use currently but is there an NBT tag that makes it so the detect part can testfor a diamond block that's been named in an anvil?

Best Answer

When you place a named block, it loses its name tag, making it impossible to detect if it was ever named. What you can do, however, is set a custom data value:

/setblock ~ ~ ~ diamond_block 1

Then, replace detect ~ ~-1 ~ diamond_block 0 with diamond_block 1. You can use values 1 through 15, but values above 15 are not supported.

Note: In some versions of the game (and possibly the latest updates), blocks with custom data may have a missing texture, and the custom data may not be saved properly. You'll have to look into this yourself as I can't test it at the moment.