Minecraft ‘testfor’ dumthe objective not working


I have managed to figure out most of this scoreboard system out myself but this last part has me beaten.

i have a dummy Objective called "deaths" and would like to test when this score hits 10 for team_blue and team_red.

I currently have;

/testfor @a[score_deaths_min=1,team=team_red]

but this is not working. I am also using;

/testfor @a[score_Score_min=10,team=team_red]

This is to test when a player dies and adds that to the "deaths" score, and that works perfectly fine.
Is there an issue of using dummy objectives in the testfor command. Console output only says "That players cannot be found"

I am including a world download for testing purposes. Please note the objective names have Changed. Red and Blue carpet mark Teams and Signs give information. This is for vanilla 1.7.2: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/189120588/Minecraft/testfor%20world.zip

Best Answer

In order to increment by 1 anytime a player dies, the objective must be type deathCount. Something like this would work:

/scoreboard objectives add deaths deathCount Deaths

If you're making dummy objectives, you're using a similar command except with "dummy" in place of "deathCount." A dummy objective can only be changed with the following commands:

/scoreboard players add (player) (objective) (value)

/scoreboard players remove (player) (objective) (value), and

/scoreboard players set (player) (objective) (value)