Minecraft – the correct name to use with /give for Lapis Lazuli


In Minecraft, when cheats are enabled you can give yourself items using the command /give [user] [item] [count], e.g. /give user45623 dirt 32.

What is the item name to use for Lapis Lazuli? I've tried lapis_lazuli, lapis, lazuli, dye4, and dye_4, but it's none of those.

Best Answer

Lapis Lazuli is a dye. Each dye shares the same name and relies on the data value to determine what type of dye it is. To spawn it in, you need to specify that data value using /give's fourth argument:

/give <player> <item> [count] [datavalue]

To give a player one Lapis Lazuli, you need to specify a data value of 4:

/give <player> dye 1 4

These data values encompass other items too, like cocoa beans, bone meal, and ink sacs, which have data values 3, 15, and 0, respectively.

Source: Data value of Lapis Lazuli