Minecraft the Data Tag Does Not Match


I'm trying to detect an item when I throw it, however it says the data tag does not match for 0ece610b-7039-4fa6-beb4-2d876cbcb37a.

Here is the command:
>scoreboard players set @e[type=Item] S 1 {Item: id:"minecraft:wool",Damage:8,Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:"South"}}}}

Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks.

Best Answer

You are missing an opening bracket for the item compound.
{Item: id:"m should be {Item:{id:"m

Your damage value is testing for an integer and needs to test for a short so it needs to be followed by an s.
Damage:8 should be Damage:8s

For a final command of:

scoreboard players set @e[type=Item] S 1 {Item:{id:"minecraft:wool",Damage:8s,Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:"South"}}}}

Also, just to note it, you can give the item a scoreboard tag which will allow you to target the item without having to create a scoreboard objective. It will use the same dataTag from above.

Here is the command:

scoreboard players tag @e[type=Item] add S {Item:{id:"minecraft:wool",Damage:8s,Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:"South"}}}}

To target the item, you can use the tag argument in the target selector within another command. An example command to kill the item:

/kill @e[tag=S]