Minecraft – the fastest way to travel in Minecraft using non-standard means


"Travel" meaning getting roughly 200 meters between two locations in the regular world.
Includes time to prepare expendables and/or eat to get full (but not worrying about damage). I don't care how much time it takes to build infrastructure in any of this.

"Non Standard" meaning, there has to be a faster way than a boat or a minecart or even going to the nether.

"Minecraft" meaning vanilla single player mode.

"Fastest" meaning, m/s numbers please. Speculative answers such as usually given in these questions (i.e. like this one) are not what I'm looking for.

Related sub questions might be: How far can you throw an ender pearl, and how long is it in the air (in seconds)? Are there ways to throw an ender pearl 200 meters? What speed can you get out of a well built EATS road (in m/s)? How fast (in m/s) is boat teleporting? minecart teleporting? Is there a way to use a TNT cannon that doesn't kill me half the time?

Best Answer

You can boost a thrown Ender Pearl using a TNT cannon. Assuming you've got the trajectory exactly right and have a wall at the destination to stop the pearl, this is basically instantaneous other than the fuse time (4 seconds). Also, in one step you can only travel as far as the chunk load distance, which as far as I've read is 160m (10 chunks), or else the pearl will not land until you move closer. So, speed: 40 m/s average, less time to gather resources and place the TNT, and the flight time of the pearl (which will depend on the amount of TNT used and exact trajectory).

If you built a series of redstone-driven TNT magazines wired to operate in sequence and launched pearls perfectly to match them, then you could avoid waiting 4 seconds and move even faster.