Minecraft – the probability of items spawned in chests


I found items in a chest in the Nether and found a golden chestplate and saddle, but nothing great like diamonds or emeralds. So, I wanted to know the probability of good items spawning in chests.

A chest in the Neather

I wouldn't mind knowing the likelihood of spawned items off the top of my head.

Best Answer

As of 1.9, generated chests rely on loot tables to populate loot. This makes it much easier to determine probability as the loot tables can be extracted from the jar and evaluated directly.

For nether fortresses, which use the chests/nether_bridge.json table (2-4 rolls):

ID                     Amount     Chance
diamond                1-3        6.849%
iron_ingot             1-5        6.849%
gold_ingot             1-3        20.548%
golden_sword           1          6.849%
golden_chestplate      1          6.849%
flint_and_steel        1          6.849%
nether_wart            3-7        6.849%
saddle                 1          13.699%
golden_horse_armor     1          10.959%
iron_horse_armor       1          6.849%
diamond_horse_armor    1          4.110%
obsidian               2-4        2.740%

Note that each percentage is per-roll, and there are 2-4 rolls for this table. Each roll is brand new and will not be affected by previous results (such that it will always be a 6.849% chance per roll for diamond).