Minecraft – Thunderstorm sound when joining server followed by fire


Recently upon joining my Tekkit Lite server I've been hearing these large rumbling sounds like you'd get during a thunderstorm, however when I actually spawn in the world it's a nice calm day with no rain or lightning in sight.

Additionally I noticed it had also caused the outbreak of a number of fires which is quite annoying as it sets a number of trees on fire which then quickly spreads across the entire forested region that I'm situated by.

What could be causing these mysterious thunderstorm sounds and fires? – It would be nice to get to the bottom as this has happened twice now.

Another note: This problem has also been experienced by other players on the server however I myself have yet to actually play in a thunderstorm. Also another point is that this doesn't seem to occur every time I join, just a few.


Best Answer

What it could be is the server using that as a sort of "hello" sort of thing. Seeing as how whenever you join the server, and the other players see that this happen as well. I can only assume that the server owner or admin intends for this to happen and is using a part of the mod pack or is using a plugin from Bukkit or another mod to make this happen.

It also could be a coincidental bug, but that happening exactly the same time with the other people is pretty unlikely.