Minecraft – Title command will not appear (1.13)


I'm attempting to make a system that essentially displays a title to those who enter a certain area, and a different those who exit that same area. The problem is that, despite the fact that the command I'm using has the right syntax (scoreboard players add @a[x=-54,z=-21,dx=-59,dz=59] inSpawn 1, which then triggers title @a[scores={inSpawn=..1}] title {"text":"Safezone","color":"green"}), the title won't show up.

The command block I'm using for the title command says the title was shown, but I'm not getting anything. I've attempted messing with score values, changing coordinates, even using both commands outside of a command block, but it still won't show. Nothing I've found, or at least, that I have access to view in normal search results, have given me anything useful.

Best Answer

For some reason, restarting the game seems to have worked. I'm unaware of what caused the issue to begin with, but once I rejoined the game it worked perfectly.