Minecraft – Trapped in an ocean Temple in Minecraft


I've found myself in a horror movie. I was exploring an ocean Temple in Minecraft, and to protect myself from Guardians, I barricaded myself in completely. However, they are still inflicting mining fatigue on me through the blocks, and they're regular enough with it that I can never run out the timer, so I cannot break blocks. I've just built myself into a tomb.

The game is on easy mode, so I can't starve to death. I don't have any milk to debuff, so I can't dig myself out. I don't have any water, so I can't drown myself. I'm trapped.

At this point, I'd be glad to die and revive back in my village, but I can't figure out how. Can anybody think of anything?

Best Answer

Mining fatigue only slows your mining down, it doesn't completely prevent it. So you can for example bind your mining action to a key on your keyboard instead of a mouse button and put a weight on it, then go away for a few minutes while your character slooowly breaks the block.