Minecraft – Unable to summon object with this command


I'm trying to make a floor crafting system but the summon command won't work. I put it in a separate command block to troubleshoot, I fixed a few minor bugs, but then the output just said "unable to summon object" I don't know what's wrong, here's the command I'm using:

/summon minecraft:item ~0 ~1 ~0 {Item:{id:"minecraft:diamond",Damage:1,tag:{display:{Name:"Nether Crafter",Lore:["This crafter uses the power of the nether","to fuse items"]},ench:[{}],crafter:1b}}}

Best Answer

You'll need to add a Count to your item, otherwise it defaults to 0 which is not valid:

/summon minecraft:item ~0 ~1 ~0 {Item:{id:"minecraft:diamond",Count:1b,Damage:1,tag:{display:{Name:"Nether Crafter",Lore:["This crafter uses the power of the nether","to fuse items"]},ench:[{}],crafter:1b}}}

You may also want to remove Damage:1, or it'll show up as a black/magenta square.

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