Minecraft – uncraft items with logistic pipes


I've heard that you can convert charcoal into coal by making/disassembling a torch, although this seems like a bug/exploit that may be fixed, and note I haven't tested this yet as I'm not at home.

If this does indeed work, I'd like to automate this if possible, and I was wondering if I could do this with logistic pipes. I was thinking I could set up a crafting pipe to turn sticks and charcoal into torches, and if it's possible uncraft back into coal, so when I request some coal, it would look for sticks and charcoal, create a torch, then disassemble it and give me the coal.

Is it possible to disassemble items with logistics pipes? Or maybe with some other system in FTB?

Best Answer

Probably not, the Logistic Pipes mod itself has no method of uncrafting, and the only method I know off is the Twilight Forest Uncrafting Table, which requires experience to uncraft and can not be automated.

If you find a different automatable way of uncrafting you can use the standard Crafting Logistic Pipes to automate it into your Logistic Pipes network.