Minecraft – Use Certain Commandblock commands with @p or @a


So, I originally wanted to attach the /playsound random.orb, when the scoreboard objective Bow got a value of 1 which was tracking stat.useItem.minecraft.bow, So when the player shot an arrow the sound would play, but if the player got too far away, the sound would not be heard.

So I then tried to summon a Mine cart Command Block relative to the player using @p ,which would activate using an also spawned redstone block which would be removed instantly however the /summon and /fill commands don't support the @p or @a. Or any way to track player coordinates then use them to spawn blocks.

I couldn't think of another way to make the sound occur everywhere when a player/one player fires the bow.

Best Answer

Is this what you put in? /playsound [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume]

Also note that you can change the volume /\ and the minimum volume /. Using those to it should be heard by the player. Note also that you can do it to a persific player so if you want it to be heard by one player the have a low volume and target the player.

If that does not work, I have a other solution.

Sorce: Minecraft Forms