Minecraft – Using /blockdata, won’t put certain items in chest


I'm making a maze in Minecraft 1.10 and I have a supply chest at the entrance. I would like to make it so that once you finish the maze, you take a minecart to the beginning and before starting the maze again, you press a button that resets the chest. Here's the code I'm using in the command block:

/blockdata -150 4 -1381 {Items:[{Count:16,Slot:0,id:sign},{Count:16,Slot:25,id:sign},{Count:1,Slot:13,Damage:1,id:iron_sword},{Count:2,Slot:15,id:steak},{Count:5,Slot:20,id:cooked_salmon},{Count:10,Slot:8,id:bread}]}

It only puts the signs, sword, and bread in the chest. I can't figure out how to get the steak and salmon to work. I tried adding a damage value to those two items, but that didn't make any difference. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

An item's ID is not necessarily its displayed name (though they sometimes coincide).

The ID for steak is cooked_beef, and the ID for cooked salmon is cooked_fish with a damage value of 1. Your fixed command should be:

/blockdata -150 4 -1381 {Items:[{Count:16,Slot:0,id:sign},{Count:16,Slot:25,id:sign},{Count:1,Slot:13,Damage:1,id:iron_sword},{Count:2,Slot:15,id:cooked_beef},{Count:5,Slot:20,id:cooked_fish,Damage:1},{Count:10,Slot:8,id:bread}]}

There's a list of Item IDs on the wiki. Alternatively, you can press F3 + H to enable detailed item tooltips, which then show an item's ID and damage value when hovered over:

enter image description here