Minecraft – Using /tellraw with certain scoreboard conditions


I'm trying to do something on a server. I have a scoreboard set up called "WD" and I want a /tellraw command to talk to people who's "WD" score equals 1.

I have tried doing:

/tellraw @a[score_WD=1] {"text":"Click this!","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/say Hello!"}}

But this does nothing. How do I do this? The default score of "WD" is 0. I am using 1.7.10.

Best Answer



This means the maximum score they can have is 1, and the minimum score they can have is 1. So, the only score they can have is 1.

You command becomes

/tellraw @a[score_WD=1,score_WD_min=1] {"text":"Click this!","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/say Hello!"}}