Minecraft – way to give point to only those who have certain points


I am trying to make it so if you die a scoreboard counter will appear and then if a player has a scoreboard counter of 1 then it will detuct some money from a scoreboard account same with if you kill somebody then you will recive some money into your scoreboard account I was thinking it would be something like this /scoreboard players remove @a[something here] Money 250000
or something along those lines, please help me.

Best Answer

You can test for values of scoreboard objectives like this:
Objective <= some number
/execute @a[score_<objective name>_min=<some number>] <insert commands here...>
Objective > some number
/execute @a[score_<objective name>=<some number>] <insert commands here...>
You don't have to use /execute; any command will work, as long as you follow the target. Hope this helps!