Minecraft – way to make all the link books automatically intra linking


In mystcraft 1.7.2 is there a 100% way to make all books intra-linking? (so they can link and be used in the same world)

Note that changing configs or some server admin only method are acceptable solutions.

Best Answer

I am currently assuming that you are attempting to use intra-linking books as a private warp in your server.

This is listed in the configs of the mod.

general {

You could disable all other effects to prevent anything other than intra-linking from showing up. You should still use the correct materials to cause the effect.

Do take note this does not guarantee a intra-linking book but instead prevent other effects from showing up. If you require such a feature i would suggest requesting it at the mystcraft forums linked below


Additionally an alternate solution to this would be to spawn in a link modifier and place it at the spawn of your server protected from destruction but allow usage using plugins . I am not sure what would happen if some of the effects are disabled, but it would guarantee a intra-linking book.