Minecraft – What are the different spawns of end dungeons


So I went ahead to upgrade to 1.9 and went to the end to find some of the nice loot from the new end cities. I went to like three different end cities, one was small the other two were kind of big. I found that all of the end ships were the exact same (not the loot but the size). So my question is what are the different spawns of the end dungeons and which one of the has the new elytra wings? My other question was: what is the spawn rule for the end dungeon?

After asking this question I went back and found like 2 other dungeons and they don't have the end ship!

My Solution:

I used admist to find some spawns and this was my photo (there are quite some as the key is 2000 blocks):

Best Answer

All end cities have a main tower. Some cities just contain this tower, but others have various rooms, towers, and pathways branching from them. (This is generated randomly). Each room has its particular function (see the different rooms here). An end city has a chance to spawn as long as it's in the end and there is land.

Attached to each city, there is a random chance that a end ship will spawn. And, in every end ship, there is an elytra in an item frame. However, elytra cannot be found in the end city itself.

Source: Minecraft Wiki (I suggest reading that page)