Minecraft – What commands are counted as ‘cheats’


When making a new world, on the screen where you can turn on the Bonus Chest, Structures etc. you have a button for turning on Cheats.

Now I know the command /gamemode <mode> [player] can not be used, looking up on the Minecraft Wiki it says

The majority of commands are only available in the following situations:

– In a Minecraft multiplayer server game, entered by an operator or command block.
– In other multiplayer games, entered by the player who opened a LAN game with cheats enabled, or is hosting their own multiplayer server
In singleplayer, if cheats were enabled at world creation (via the "More World Options…" button).

Some player commands are also available in singleplayer even when cheats are not enabled.

However I can't see which commands are considered cheats or not.

So I am wondering what other commands can't be used if Cheats is set to no, or if it is easier to list what commands can be used (as there are a lot of commands).

I am referring to Vanilla Minecraft

Best Answer

There are several commands that can be used in survival without cheats enabled. These generally are commands that do not have any effect on gameplay, hence you are not cheating.

Here is a list of the commands that can be operated without cheats:

/help - Displays help about other commands

/me - Writes a message relating to the player

/tell - Private message

/seed - Displays the world seed

/trigger - Can change enabled "trigger" type objectives

These commands do not require cheats, because they do not give the player any advantage. I think I have covered all the commands that are applicable to singleplayer, however I may have missed some. Let me know if I have.