What are the effects of the Lure and Luck of the Sea fishing pole enchantments, and how much does each higher level of the enchantments improve the effect?
Minecraft – What effects do the enchantments “Lure” and “Luck of the Sea” have
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Best Answer
From the MC Wiki http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Enchanting#Enchantments
Luck of the Sea:
Lowers chance of "junk" catches by 2.5% per level and increases chance of "treasure" catches by 1% per level.
In 1.9: Lowers chance of Junk and Increases chance of treasure by 2% per level. Reduces chance of fish by 0.15% per level.
Decreases time before fish bite your hook by 5 seconds per level. Also decreases chances of both "junk" and "treasure" catches by 1% per level.
In 1.9: no longer affects loot tables. There is no change in junk and treasure chances.