Minecraft – What happens when I edit item.csv


There's this file called item.csv in the dumps folder. I opens it and it's basically a table with all these information of blocks and items. So, I see a column saying "HasBlock". I scroll down and realize that TRUE means you can place that item and FALSE means you can't place that item.

Content of <code>item.csv</code> when opened using Microsoft Excel:mac 2011

So I'm asking, if I change a non-placeable item "stick" to placable (change FALSE to TRUE), then what will happen? Will there be any crashes, data loss, stuffs?_

Best Answer

Nothing will happen

I tried this on Minecraft Mac, I changed stick to TRUE, and I could not place it in the game, nor did there seem to be any glitches.

This could be either due to the fact that items work differently from blocks, or it could be due to the fact that this is a reporting file, not a configuration file, as @hedgehog1029 pointed out in the comments.