Minecraft – What Is The Best Level To Find Redstone At


I am currently trying to build a piston elevator in my single player world and I need about 200 blocks of redstone to complete it ("For the back wall"). I already have enough redstone for about 90 blocks but I think I could find more mining at a different level other that 11-12 (Which is the recommended level to find diamonds). If that is true I need to know what the level with the most redstone is. Thanks!

Best Answer

I've been doing some research on this myself, because, I need redstone, too.

I've found that levels 12, 13, and 14 are the easiest to mine in. You get about 4-5 stacks of redstone for every 36 stacks of cobblestone. If you count cave, then it's 6-7.

It takes about 1/2-2 1/2 hours to get it. Hope this helps!