Minecraft – What’s the difference between these stone brick blocks


In my inventory, there are two seemingly identical stone brick blocks.

diggy diggy hole

The stack of 48 stone bricks was crafted from furnaced stone. The stack of 9 stone bricks was dug from stone brick stairs, which were crafted from stone bricks. The two stacks are identical in name and appearance, except they don't stack with each other. Neither stack is cracked stone brick or mossy stone brick.

What's the difference?

Best Answer

East-facing stairs break into the second type of plain stone brick, due to a glitch.

Some blocks hold a data value, to determine things like the hue of wool or the height of wheat. All stairs use a data value of 0-3 to determine which direction they face:

  • 0: South
  • 1: North
  • 2: West
  • 3: East

But stone brick uses this data value to determine type:

  • 0: Normal
  • 1: Mossy
  • 2: Cracked
  • Anything else: Not normally obtainable, will default to normal

When you smash a stone brick, it retains its data value, which is why smashing stairs creates different stone bricks. The type of brick corresponds to the direction of the stair it came from. Because there are four cardinal directions and only three types of brick defined, the fourth type of brick just looks like normal brick.