Minecraft – What’s the fastest way to transport mobs vertically in the Nether


I need to transport five piglins up a considerable number of blocks. This is a one time thing so I don't need a mob elevator that runs all the time. I can't use water in the Nether, so what is the best way to do this? Preferably minimal setup and cost.

Best Answer

Just build a vertical flying machine, load the piglins and let it go.

Build instructions

1st step

Build a very basic flying machine.

1st step

2nd step

Add barriers so the piglins won't fall down (so easily), or an alternative and maybe a safer method is to build up walls from non-sticky material (e.g. leaves)

2nd step

3rd step

Load the piglins

4th step

Break the cobblestone (or the block below the observer) to start the flying machine.