Minecraft – Which rare drops can drop already enchanted


I have a zombie spawner set up to farm exp, and I also have a skeleton spawner set up to do the same.

Because I'm using them as exp farms (getting them down to half a heart and then punching them to death), I also occasionally get rare drops from them both.

Around about a quarter of the bows that drop come with a Power I enchant, and I've gotten two enchanted golden swords from Zombie Pigmen (regular kills), but I've never had an enchantment on any of the hundreds of swords/shovels/helmets that the Zombies have dropped.

Which items have a chance of being enchanted upon their drop?

Best Answer

The only items that can be enchanted are Golden Swords from Zombie Pigmen and Bows from Skeletons.

The swords, if enchanted, have their enchantment chosen randomly as if it were a level 5 enchantment from an enchanting table. The following enchantments are therefore possible:

Sharpness I–III
Smite I–IV
Bane of Arthropods I–IV
Knockback I–II
Fire Aspect I–II
Looting I–II

Bows, if enchanted, will always have Power I.