Minecraft – Why can’t I mine or build on the PocketMine Server


I have created a server on my computer for my children to join via their Android devices. I am using PocketMine-MP to host my server. My children are able to move, access the inventory, kill each other but they are unable to place or mine blocks in any gamemodes.

Best Answer

The best thing to do for a private server, is to op everyone so that all of them have admin abilities and none of them will have troubles with permissions.

To op a person on the console:

op <user>

To op a person in-game:

/op <user>

The reason there is a slash in front of all commands in-game is so that Minecraft will know if you want to say something or use a commands. If you are still having trouble, make sure that in the settings, the gamemode is set to 0.

0 = Survival - You have to find blocks and you have a health bar.
1 = Creative - Has the ability to magically make blocks and fly.
2 = Adventure - Like survival but you can not break or place blocks.