minecraft-java-edition,minecraft-commands – Why Does Testfor Sometimes Output an Error in Minecraft Java Edition?


Because there are so many questions asking about this, but not closed as duplicates, I decided to make a uniting question here:

There are two three four basic situations here:

  • Why does the /testfor command (I have) always output an error (not listed below)?

  • Why does the /testfor command (I have) always output the entity UUID is an invalid format?

  • Why does the same /testfor command sometimes output the entity UUID is an invalid format instead of found [x] and sometimes not?

  • Why does the /testfor command not output anything?

Best Answer

This happens when the command finds no entities that fit into all the parameters and conditions you entered - it's just a false output. For example, if you enter

/testfor @e[type=ThisIsNotAValidEntityType]

it will always output an error (case 1 above). If you want to stop this showing, edit the command so that it "fits" at at least one entity or place an entity so that it fits the commands.

This command will aslo always output an error, but this time the error will always be the entity UUID is an invalid format (case 2 above):

/testfor @p[score_x_min=3,score_x=2]

On the other hand, if you type a command like so:

/testfor @e[type=Creeper,c=-1]

you will get a false output (the entity UUID us an invalid format) only if the farthest entity from you isn't a Creeper (case 3 above).

But, if your testfor command may theoretically target more entities, and doesn't, eg.

/testfor @e[type=Creeper]
/testfor @e[score_x_min=3,score_x=2]

then you will not get any output at all (case 4 above).