Minecraft – Why does the bed explode when I try to sleep on it in the Nether, and how to disable it


After I read the changelog for Minecraft 1.6, I saw that one of the few items that were fixed was beds in the nether. However, when trying to sleep in one, it explodes. Is this purely intentional, and does this happen in SMP (can't confirm now)? If it does explode in SMP, can I disable it (the explosion) for beds only, in case some griefer does this?

EDIT: Since it happens in SMP, is there a mod to disable this? Even if the bed kills them (the griefers) they still can go into the portal and wreak havoc in it

Best Answer

It is intentional, does happen in SMP, and cannot be disabled on a vanilla server as far as I know. On a Bukkit server, the DisableIt plugin can disable any type of explosion, including beds.

In the Nether, there basically is no time of day — bring a watch with you and see what happens. The beds only let you sleep in them when it's night time, and this lack of time apparently confuses them to the point of spontaneous explosion.

Sleeping in the Nether has never worked, but before Beta 1.6 the beds were neither sentient nor quite as explosive; you'd simply get the "you can only sleep at night" message. Of course, this isn't really appropriate for the Nether, since it is never night. Notch likely wanted to make it more obvious to players that beds don't work in the Nether at all. Why explosions? I'm not sure, but it certainly drives the point home, doesn't it? Possibly Evil Notch had a hand in this.