Minecraft – Why will iron door bottom not break when Minecraft updates a random block for every chunk


Sethbling reliably uses iron door bottoms for force fields in his creations, but (why) aren't these prone to getting updated when Minecraft chooses them at random to make them update, thus breaking them? Is it about the height level of them? Or maybe the gamerule doFireTick?

Best Answer

Here's Seth's original video on the subject:

For some reason, when there's a bottom half of a door, with no door part above it, it doesn't render. Thus, with a checker pattern of bottom halves of iron doors (inserted using MCEdit), you end up with an invisible wall.

The reason that they don't break because random block updates aren't a thing. Random world ticks, such as the growth of wheat, trees, etc are a thing, but the game never randomly updates blocks. If a block update does occur next to the door half (block is placed or removed, redstone update, etc), then it will break. But never randomly (except maybe by Enderman intervention).