Minecraft – Why won’t the portals link up properly


Before you say this is a duplicate, I am well versed in the normal operation of portals, and understand how to link portals that are very close to each other. This problem is occurring in spite of my understanding.

I have two portals – the main access to my base, at y=66, and a portal which is supposed to take me to the top of my mob spawner tower, which is at y=230+. I've calculated the exact locations for each portal in the nether and placed them accordingly, but no matter what, the portal that is supposed to take me to the top of the tower just spawns me at my main overworld portal. I tried raising the tower portal in the nether slightly in hopes that that would help, but it didn't.

Coordinates of main portal pair: -3653, 66, -2722; -456, 70, -340

Coordinates of tower portal pair: -3736,, 238, -2739; -466, 77, -342

It seems like these should be far enough apart to link properly… Any ideas why they aren't? I hope I don't have to raise the tower portal a lot, that would defeat the purpose…

Images showing relative locations of the portals:

Best Answer

As you said it yourself, portals do take the vertical distance into account. This means you cannot make a sky portal higher than y~=192 if your ground portal is at sea level, as distance from Nether ceiling (your top portal) to sky portal must be less than from Neither ceiling to level of your ground entrance portal.


Sky    [@]                          192
             [@] Nether top         128
             [@] Nether bottom
Ground [@]                           64

But there is a solution!

By moving your ground entrance away horizontally, you can increase distances just enough to fix all the portals (after moving Nether portals to the ceiling, of course).

I have written this handy spreadsheet to easily calculate all distances for two pairs of portals (coordinates in frames are editable). By just moving ground portal from x=-3653 to x=-3623, thirty meters away, you can fix everything! Well, maybe a couple meters more to be sure :-) Again, note I've assumed your Nether portals to be at y=110 and 120, otherwise your Ground portal would have to be much farther.