Minecraft – Will any mobs spawn in the barn


Will any mobs spawn in my barn? nothing has yet but there is lots of light

enter image description here

There is most of the torches and the chicken just came in and the other was spawned by a egg

Here is another view

enter image description here

So there is a lot of torches and light. Will anything spawn?

Best Answer

I saw "barn" and the chicken, so I presumed you were trying to get passive mobs to spawn, but gnovice's comment suggests two ways to answer this question:

Will any passive mobs/animals spawn?

Presumably you've been sticking close to your barn: while this would've worked fine in earlier versions of Minecraft, passive mob spawning changed before release such that they only have a very, very small chance of spawning in already-loaded chunks.

To get passive mobs, like chickens, to spawn with any useful frequency, you need to either:

Will any hostile mobs spawn?

Hostile mobs will spawn at light levels 7 or lower, and torches have a light level of 14. From your screenshot, it looks like your barn is a rectangular, 11x9 room. It also looks like you have torches across the entire bottom row of your barn's walls. Assuming that's the case, your barn's light map looks something like this:

Light map of current torch situation

So given your current setup, no mobs will spawn in your barn because the darkest part of the barn is still light level 9. This should also suggest two things to you:

  • All of the other torches you have above the ring around the bottom are useless: the bottom ring supersedes them.

  • You can move that bottom ring up one level and still have a hostile mob-proof room (the center area would be light level 8).

You could also be a bit more efficient with your torches: for example, you don't need torches on the shorter walls if you use torches across the longer walls:

Light map of shorter wall torches removed

You can even light up the place with only 6 torches:

Efficient torch placement light map